Sunday, August 05, 2007

7 days and counting!

Can you believe there are only 7 days until school starts????? Neither can I. We spent the day getting new uniform shorts for Nick and returning socks and getting the right ones. Nick also needed underwear and pj's.

The kids started the day off with a Lemonade stand. Caroline was so cute counting her money and pouring lemonade. We had 4 customers and I think they made $2.50 or $3. I love the pictures I got(wish I had new camera back). After the above mentioned mall trip we headed to the pool. It is sooooo hot outside. I was even in the water most of the time. I think we will spend most of our week there since it is going to be 100 degrees.

Tonight after dinner we went school supply shopping at Target. That was an adventure. They are out of most stuff and it was so crowded. For those of you that are keeping track I made it through all of that without a tear. I think I might be saving them for Monday. The kids have been such a handful the last couple of weeks I think it is God's way of making school a little easier for me. I could use a vacation about right now.

I'm working on my 35 item to do list. It is a little overwhelming to have so much to do in one week. It might have been better to not have a list except I would forget half of it.

I will update as the week goes. Hope everyone is good. Not letting me post pic. I'll do it tmorrow.

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