Monday, January 30, 2006

We called today a restful day! The kids were overly tired and slept late today. So we just took it easy. Around 3:00 we went to the grocery. It always take forever, but the kids got their cookie. That is all that matters to them. Kroger had ketchup on sale 10 for $10. That is great for us since we use a bottle a meal just about.

When we got home the kids painted in the bathtub. As you can see from the picture I taped a big piece of paper on the wall and let them paint on it. It took longer to get everything out then it did for them to paint. They had fun. This was our school today. Caroline is upset because we haven't done worksheets for a few days.

Doug came over for game night. The guys have such a good time spending time together. They were singing songs they used to sing on the way to school tonight. I laughed so hard I cried.

Aunt Mel...I told the kids you were home last night when I got your message and they wanted to come to your house and see you then. Nick cried the rest of the way home because I told him we couldn't. Isn't that sweet. They miss you! and Riley!

Aunt Carol, Granny told us about Chris. Tell him we are thinking about him. Call us tomorrow and let us know how his test went and if he has to have surgery.

That is all for today. More tomorrow.

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