Thursday, January 19, 2006

Hello everyone. Today we had dance class. Caroline and Nick have been going since Aug. Nick has now decided he doesn't want to go anymore. Today was the first day I didn't make him go. He has been saying for a few weeks he didn't want to anymore, but I was hoping he would change his mind. But he hasn't. We dropped Caroline off at dance and headed to the grocery. I thought that might be kind of boring for him without her, but on the way home he said "Mommy I want to do this everyday." I said what everyday? He said "go for a ride in the car with you by myself." Isn't that sweet. So the grocery didn't make him change his mind, I guess the dance is over.

This afternoon we had church and the kids went with me. They love going and were so excited. They went to chapel, played puzzles, sang songs, and colored. After getting home Dad helped get the kids to bed. We are hopefully down for the night.

Caroline had to fix her hair before bed. She has seen me do this when I wash my face at night. Isn't that funny.

This is Nick dancing with his Chocolate chip cookies he got at the store today.

My kids are gorgeous. (In my opinion)

1 comment:

uhlsfam said...

hey girl! thank you for being a constant blogger! it's so fun to see you all each day. give those kids a hug and a kiss from all of us!

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