Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ok here are the "much anticipated" pictures. Of course they are not as good as they would be if I had my new camera, but at least they are pictures.

1st cast
The kids being happy! The moon boot!

The air cast!

The last one is what I am in now. I will probably be in this the rest of the time. I am doing good. It feels much better everyday. We are almost through week 3 and into week 4. Whoo hoo! Don and Vicki will be here fri. night. The kids can't wait to play with Lauren and Emily. We are leaving on Monday to go to Nashville for the week with John. He has another 5 day conference and after the San Diego trip I'm not staying with Nick by myself. We are talking about going to a water park Wednesday afternoon. This conference is weird bc John has 3 half days and 2 full days. So he will get to spend time with us. Our family vacation for this year. It will be fun and I'm just glad I'm getting to go.

We are counting down to the start of school. I just realized tonight that we are down to 2 weeks from Monday. Whew I can't believe it. Caroline told me tonight that she would still "like" me after she goes to school. So grown up acting.

That is about all that is going on here. I'm glad to be taking care of my family again and I know John is too. It feels good.

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