Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I'm sitting hear at 2:13am Feb. 28! I'm now 34. I can't get comfortable to get to sleep. But since I can't I thought I would update the blog. My classes are going very good. Next week is the last week. Then I start ethics and photography. JOhn is being very supportive and the kids are more than supportive. They are so cute when I go and come home.
The kids are 6 now (I know you know that) and enjoying every moment. Not a lot changed with this birthday like in the past. Usually there was a sudden change with the turn of another birthday. The new thing are birthday parties. They have been invited to 3 right now. They have lots of friends at school. They get very excited about their friends parties. It is cute.
Ok I'm rambling I'm heading back to bed to try again after more medicine. I hope everyone is doing good. I'll update soon with pictures.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Icy madness
Well we are iced in here in the 'ville. We got out of school today at 11:15. John was home by 1:00 and we all took a nap. How funny is that???? The kids think it was so cool that we got out of school early.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Here they are dressing their new animals. Nick chose a Lville shirt, jeans and a leather jacket. Caroline chose a blue striped shirt, denim skirt and shoes.
I took these pictures to try and show how tall the kids have gotten. I can't believe my babies are 6.
I'm hoping everyone will be well enough to go to school tomorrow. I'm heading off to write another essay on Irish drama and the kids are getting ready for bed. My sickness saved you from my emotional*ness of the kids birthday. They had a great birthday despite me having the flu and are very happy to be 6 now. Caroline told me Friday morning on the way to school that she wasn't going to cry anymore bc she is 6 now. How long do you think that lasted??? Not long.
Alright off to do homework. Hope you are all well!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
We're 6!
Here is the Smartcycle. John and I gave the kids this for their birthday. They love it and have played with it nonstop. It has about 6 games that go with it and it plugs into the tv and they pedal to make it go. So they get a little education, a little exercise, and a little fun all in one.
Today I have to write a 600word essay and read another play. Plus work on my algebra. So I'm hoping for another couple of up hours after laying down.
Can you believe my kids are 6???? Me either. It was fun watching them be so excited this year. They were so funny with all their friends. We had 24 show up for the party. So all their friends were there and they had a blast. It was definitely worth all the work to see their faces and how much they enjoyed themselves. Ok I'm rambling. Have a good day!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
What do you think? I was a nervous wreck. The funny thing is John can't stand to have to deal with me after a bad haircut so he was a nervous wreck too. He was glad to see how excited I was when I got home. Yes I miss Ashleigh, but she is very busy. So I took a chance. Thank goodness it worked out.
The rest of the weekend was good. We had a small party for the superbowl (yeah Giants). The rest of the weekend the kids played outside. The weather has been wonderful, but today it is raining.
So it is raining, I have a 600word essay due tomorrow and I woke up with a horrible headache. I'm hoping the day gets a little better. Ok I'm off to write about Irish Literature. What fun.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Yes I survived 4 hours of Algebra. It was non-stop and intense, but I made it and held my own. She only gave us 5min breaks per hour. It took 4 hours to go over 5 chapters. Whew this one is going to crazy hard. I will survive!!!!
The rest of the weekend has been great. A fairly quiet weekend at home. Got lots of stuff done on Saturday. Even got a haircut, color and my eyebrows waxed. It was great. Valentine's are almost finished and family birthday invites will go out Monday. Whoo hoo!
Caroline seems to be feeling some better. She did ask if she could stay home from school tomorrow. What do you think the answer was?? Nick has had a very busy weekend building trains, playing army man sand box, and baseball. Nothing is going to slow that boy down.
On the agenda for tomorrow is a nice long walk, a 600 word essay, and 3 more chapters in math. Caroline has dance and I'm keeping Amelia for Lesley in the morning. Should be fun.
My goal for the week is to have a better at home week than I did last week. I've got to get this staying home by myself thing down. I know some of you are sitting out there reading this thinking she is crazy. I would love to have the house all to myself for a day. I bet I can guess who is thinking that. I just don't enjoy it. Too quiet, too slow, too by myself. But after much prayer I'm giving this week another chance and I'm going to make the best of it and learn to like it. You're probably asking why don't you get another job? Well, it is possible that there will be a job available at St. Matthews Elem. in the very near future. So John and I are holding out to see if it is in the plan. Plus, I'm getting into this whole school thing again and thought it would be a good time for an adjustment period.
Ok enough about me. Here are some pics of the kids from last week. I haven't downloaded the ones from this weekend. The first one is of their new haircuts. The kids and Sallie all got cuts in the same day.
This is from a few weeks back, but Caroline is trying to make a snow angel. I think she forgot how to. This pic makes me laugh so hard. She is hillarious.
That is all from here. Hope you have a good week.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
The Long (getting used to ) week!
The kids had a good week at school. The big excitement of the week was "Lunch Bunch" on Friday. This is where they get to eat in the room with Ms. Hunt. If you have to move your name for behavior issues you don't get to participate in lunch bunch. Nick and Caroline got to and they were sooooo excited.
I started school on Wednesday night with my Modern Irish Drama class. It was interesting, but will be a lot of work. I will have a 600 word essay due each week. I can handle it though. I have my first algebra class Sunday morning. I'm a little nervous about the math.
Today Caroline had to go back to the dr. She has another ear infection and is having trouble breathing. I couldn't believe it. She woke up at 4:00am wheezing horribly. So she is doing breathing treatments until she gets better.
We are also looking forward to the Superbowl tomorrow. The kids want to decorate for it and make football cookies. So we are making construction paper footballs and sugar cookies with icing. WE also have a family night movie to watch this weekend too. Busy, busy!
I think that is all for now. Have a good weekend. I will post more pics after our decorating.