First we attended the Rotary Club Pancake breakfast at school last Saturday morning. Pancakes were delicious like always. It was John's birthday so we headed out to do a little bday shopping for the traditional blue jeans and shoes. That is what he asks for every year. The kids wanted to make him a golf build-a-bear, but I finally talked them out of that. Saturday night we headed to a pig roast in the 'burg. Yes you read right "pig roast". It is horribly gross in my personal opinion, but the family loves it. Even Uncle Danny ate it yuck gross! that is all I have to say about that. It was freezing so we weren't there long. The fire was the neatest thing there.
Sunday I took the kids to the movies to see this. So totally awesome (I"m such a geek), but I'm still getting made fun of because I cried through most of the movie. Yes I did. I think the nostalgia of prom and graduation were to much for me to contain myself. It was really good though so if you get a chance go see it.
Nick is totally into this now. Don't ask me...I have no idea. It must be a 1st grade thing. We are the proud owners of two stormtrooper costumes and a Boba Fett costume. You can see below he has worn them so much he lost the butt of both of them. John and him play Star Wars everynight now and yes it drives me crazy. He is in these costumes every waking minute (minus school). Here is a good action shot of the boys having a "fight".
Caroline is still totally in love with Zander. Yes dd I'm crazy or was under the influence of strong drugs at the time of purchase. I still can't believe I have a cat living in my house. I do not like cats. All I can say is it was those big brown eyes. She has not put the cat down. She carries it like a baby, reads books to him, sings to him and is the first thing she gets when she gets home from school. I think he stinks literally, but she says he doesn't. Go figure.
Nick's homework this week was for the family to create a turkey out of materials we wanted. The only stipulation was it has to attach to a piece of black construction paper. Here is our turkey. His name is Randy the Candy Turkey. My fingers are still numb from using the hot glue gun. If you would like to know the % nick did and the % John and I did is is about 1 to 99. He put the first 3 pieces of candy on and that was it. But it is finished and ready to turn in and I think it is pretty cute if I do say so myself.
We also carved our pumpkin tonight. After scooping out 1 spoon of insides Nick looked up and said " that is gross I don't like it." and off he went. I should not be suprised he hasn't liked pumpkins since his first pumpkin. Caroline was all into it and carved one of her own with the little pumpkin carving tools. Here is the finished product.
This one is Caroline's...
Here is Nick saying "Dad this is gross." Check out the look on his face.
The way cool family pumpkin.
Please keep me in your prayers. I have to take the educators test on Saturday. It is a 4 hour test that cost $150 to take. I have to score 173 on all 3 parts. You can not be admitted to the College of Education without that score. I don't want to have to take it again bc it cost so much.
I think that is it from here for now.
Oh one more thing. Nick had the next part of his testing Tues morning and he goes back tomorrow morning for the last part. She will then set up and apt with us to tell us the results.
1 comment:
you are full of news girl. as for the cat...all i can say is....
"Better a cute little kitten as your daughters pretend baby than a TURTLE!" nuff said.
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