Sunday, November 02, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Let's start off by showing your the gang. Here they all are. Caroline's wig didn't last long bc it was getting in her face. Yes that is the cat. No he didn't go trick or treating with us.
Here is Caroline being a rock star.

Nick was a fireman.

Isn't he cute?

Here is Caroline being silly, but I love the picture.

Here is the assemble before we took the wig off. She is MItchie from Camp ROck.

This is the gang being silly.
EVeryone had a great time. We went to a few houses then came home to tade candy, then play, then eat pizza. It was a great night.
John left this morning for Tampa and will be gone the next 4 days. Luckily we are off school Mon, and Tues. WE plan on having a good time.

1 comment:

melodie said...

so cute. My big girl is crazy about camp rock. I showed her Caroline's costume and she was jealous. Love the fire fighter costume too. Is the skeleton Gabe?