Monday, September 03, 2007

We made it!

Thru our first official day off school. John and I have been sick this weekend so not too much has gone on. I did take the kids to the pool today where it was extremely over-crowded. But we did have a good time meeting up with kids we hadn't seen in a while and playing with others we see often. I think the potts' clan as a whole is glad cooler weather is on the way. John and me are still not feeling 100%, but I am better than he is. That is a first I think. Hopefully tomorrow all will be normal around here.

Here are some great pictures I got today. Enjoy them.

I'm loving (very much) the new camera. Takes great pictures. Next time you visit the above pic will be hanging in my kitchen. It is one of my very favorite. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
OH...I have ordered some notepads and notecards from Here. They are the best. These are the only notepads I use. I"m thinking of teacher gifts to order from her if you have any ideas. It is always nice to have unique ideas. If you have any ideas let me know or you can share with Giggles & Co if you choose Here.
OH one more thing: If you knew me you would know I love chicken n dumplins from Cracker Barrell, but I only eat the small dumplins (not the large) and always tear the chicken apart before eating. Try to figure that one out!!!! Made you lol didn't I????
Have a great week!

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