After the park we had a birthday party for John. His bday was on Thurs. The kids planned his party by themselves. It was so funny. They planned games and picked out the cake. I think John had a good time.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Reading, Reading!!!!
After the park we had a birthday party for John. His bday was on Thurs. The kids planned his party by themselves. It was so funny. They planned games and picked out the cake. I think John had a good time.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Migraine, Migraine
It was a good weekend other than today. We got to meet Baby Katherine and she is gorgeous. I love holding, feeding, and changing newborn babies. She seems to be a very good baby. Beth did pull a "muri" and ask me to lay her down (babywise) so she could get some sleep.
We also went to the schools Pancake breakfast on Sat morning. The cakes were awesome and the kids got to see some of their friends. The funny thing was Mr. Leffert (the principal) was wearing jeans and that seemed to be the talk of the day. How funny kids are. They have heard me talk about not wearing jeans to work, bc he doesn't like them and never wears them to school.
Lots of thoughts and prayers are going out the Uhls' family tonight and tomorrow. Baby Reed will have his EGD in the morning to try to find the reason for his "vomitting" . Our prayers are they find the problem tomorrow so he doesn't have to have any more test. LOts of love, hugs and kisses to you guys.
HOpe everyone had a good weekend.
PS I can't find my camera right now so I will post a pic of Baby Katherine tomorrow.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
No more stitches
Monday, October 15, 2007
New hairdo!
Short post today bc we are trying to get to bed and not much going on here. Hope everyone is doing good!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
We spent 7hours in the er and got about 15 stitches. She was not a good patient and it obviously took forever. She is fine and feeling great today. I'm amazed she isn't constantly touching it, but she isn't
After another week of sickness we finally got out of the house today and had some fun. We had breakfast at Denny's (the kids loved it), then home to clean up a little and see Grandma, then to the park for some fall pictures, then toys r' us for a prize for Caroline, then to the driving range to hit some balls. After all of that we came home and watched a little tv, Grandma came over for dinner, then we played Charades for kids. If you don't have this game it is sooooo funny. Try it. The kids play it at school in music.
Here are a couple of my favorite from our photo shoot today.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The smell of....
As I sit at the table writing this lysol is all I can smell. I have sprayed and wiped every touchable surface in this house. I had Nick back at the dr today. He has another ear infection and is still having trouble with his asthma. He woke up at 3:00 am with a headache which freaked me out. Talked to the dr at 5:00am and she said he would need to be seen. NO strep which is good. We are so over the sickness. John spent mon and tues in bed with an URI. So much for our 5 days off. We didn't do anything but lay around and nebulizer treatments. The dr recommended the lysol again even though I had already used it. Hopefully we will be back to normal very soon.
We broke down tonight and went for a walk. The cool air is good for Nick and it felt sooooo good out. Here are some shots I got.
Ok blog is not letting me post pics. I will try again tomorrow.