Sunday, May 28, 2006

Just like I promised pool pictures. We had another great day at the pool. We shampooed the carpet in the living room, sanded my potting bench outside, and set up the sandbox (an idea we borrowed from Uncle Jason) for Caroline. John golfed this morning shooting a 72. He was very happy with his score. We met up at home and headed for the pool. Doug met us there. We are in for more of the same tomorrow. Chores in the morning and pool in the afternoon. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Here is the sandbox. I thought Caroline would drive me crazy before I got it set up. Nick helped me get if from the back of the yard to the deck. We borrowed the idea of putting it up on containers from Uncle Jason. Caroline loves being able to stand and play in it. Normally, Nick would sit in the box and she wouldn't have room to play. So now they can both play.

This is Caroline playing in the pool. She was throwing diving sticks and then diving for them. Isn't she too cute?

This is Nick trying to catch a ball John is trying to throw to him. This picture cracks me up. It is so Nick...look at that face.

We love you all!

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