Friday, March 17, 2006

A day with Riley...And Aunt Mel!

What a day. Caroline had dance in the morning then we were meeting Aunt Mel and Riley at Dee's (sorry dd), but due to giggles business she was running a little late, which left us time to run home and change Caroline's clothes before meeting her. We had lots of fun at Dee's shopping for spring stuff and scrapbook stuff. I am redoing the kids baby books and needed some paper to go with some specific pics. The kids ate kix cereal and fruit snacks while we shopped. Yes they did end up on the floor, but Aunt Mel put a stop to that real quick. Yes she also had to do all the pushing. I don't know what we are going to do when Riley won't let me push him anymore. After Dee's we ran through old Mcdonalds and got the kids lunch. then headed to my house.

The kids played so well together and had such a great time. The pictures are great. The one of Caroline and Riley on the porch using chalk we will have blown up for their wedding Hehe! I thought that was a great idea I had look at them. They are perfect for each other. We tried to ride bikes, but Riley was so amazed at Nick's biking ability he just stared at him. It also could have been the very loud noises he was making while riding.

Aunt Mel brought Valentine's goodies the kids loved. This pic is one of my favorite bc all of them are so interested in what she is doing. They had fun with that.

Awe, I finally got my birthday present (we have been trying to get together since before my birthday if that tells you how hard it has been) I got a tv tray for the bathroom. Now while I"m doing my business I can surf the web. Jason has never had a better idea...oh except marrying Mel and having Riley. I didn't take a picture of the first use of the tray. I didn't think it pic worthy.

We had a great day with them and it was worth waiting for. The kids also had a great time and want to know when Riley is coming back. OH yeah and why Aunt Mel only brought 3 cookies. Kids are so funny. I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I have.

1 comment:

uhlsfam said...

we are missing your blogs! please, no more blue colored font though!!!