Tuesday, February 21, 2006

chocolate Banana popsicles!

It was a big day here. We had church this morning. Got home took a nap. When I woke up John was laying beside me with a fever, chills, and aches. I am praying he doesn't have the flu! I fixed the kids dinner and then we made Chocolate Banana Popsicles from one of their favorite books "No more cookies". If you like bananas they look pretty good. They are in the freezer right now and the kids are anxiously waiting for them to freeze. John is in the bed. In the 7 years we have been together I have never seen him just lay in the bed.

The picture of Caroline is her licking the chocolate off the stick. The one of Nick is him dipping his last banana in the chocolate. In case you are wondering, we are studying this that start with the letter B this week. B for Banana. What fun.

Hope everyone is well! DD we are glad Steve got home safe and sound and we have Jason in our prayers for a safe return home.

1 comment:

uhlsfam said...

okay, that picture of the bananas made me laugh. Kind of looks like the mug to me... Maybe I'm just tired :-). Hope John gets to feeling better and we're praying it's not the flu either!!!!