Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Derby in the ville!

Where do I begin. It is Derby time here!!!! Monday night we went to the bed races. Caroline was very in to it and Nick had his fingers in his ears thru the whole thing. They had their pic taken by the paper. Here is the link http://www.courier-journal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070501/DERBYFUN03/305010011 go to the second camera on the right side and it is picture 19. It wouldn't paste into the blog. We had to leave early because it was too loud for Nick. Tonight we went to what they call the parade preview. Caroline got to see the Derby princesses and all the balloons and some floats from Thurs. parade. We all had a great time. Tomorrow we will be going to John's office to watch the start of the great steamboat race.

This was Caroline's favorite bed.

The Geek squad was the best
they fell and then tried to carry
the bed and fell again. Very funny.

Other than derby activities there is alot of baseball, scrapbooking and water play going on.

Nick looks happy doesn't he?

I am working on 2 contest right now, plus samples for dee's. I will be glad when I get a little further and can breathe a little. Let me also say I am lovin' the jeans I cut off to make my own capris like donna downey. If you haven't checked out her blog you should.

The kids have been playing on the slip n slide. Nick finds a way to incorporate baseball into everything we do. Sometimes it drives me crazy, but I think it is good at the same time.

Caroline and I found these cool oil pastels made by crayola. We love using them.
I think that about wraps it up. Here are my favorite pics. Enjoy. Hope you have a great derby weekend.

I took these pictures in the middle of the night. I love the way he looks when he sleeps.

These are some pictures I took last night after the bed races. I love them. My babies are getting so grown up. But they take great pictures. Makes for some good scrapbooking.

This is Nick in his "magician get-up" tonight.

They got wands at the parade preview tonight.

That is a tennis ball in his hat to make it stand up.

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