Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Fall Shoot

Here are the pics from our fall photo shoot. Enjoy! We are now trying to figure out where to take Winter pics.

This is Nick rolling down the hill.

Nick was not into taking pictures like CAroline was as you can tell.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Random bits!

John made it safely to Tampa on Sunday. The kids and I hung out most of yesterday. Today we took Nick to the dr, he has a virus, and no meds. I had to work for 3 hours today and was able to take the kids with me. We just hung around the house the rest of the day.

TOmorrow morning we will be voting early to beat the crowds and then who knows what we will get into.

I wanted to mention a few things.

1 Did you see this in the Sunday paper? This would be Caroline's dream come true. No she isn't getting one.
2 They do want these. This is the one thing they have asked for.
3 Caroline also wants this.

I'm sad because for the 1st time since the kids were born I will not be able to make our Christmas cards. This company will be doing them this year. We are talking about them now. I also am looking for ideas for my kids at school for gifts. I can't believe it is November and we all know it will be here before we know it.

I hope everyone is doing good. I will update soon.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Let's start off by showing your the gang. Here they all are. Caroline's wig didn't last long bc it was getting in her face. Yes that is the cat. No he didn't go trick or treating with us.
Here is Caroline being a rock star.

Nick was a fireman.

Isn't he cute?

Here is Caroline being silly, but I love the picture.

Here is the assemble before we took the wig off. She is MItchie from Camp ROck.

This is the gang being silly.
EVeryone had a great time. We went to a few houses then came home to tade candy, then play, then eat pizza. It was a great night.
John left this morning for Tampa and will be gone the next 4 days. Luckily we are off school Mon, and Tues. WE plan on having a good time.