Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Ahh where to begin:

Here is Caroline in her Brownie sash before her last meeting yes which was the 1st Thursday of November. Isn't she cute?

Next Ashley Potts turned 19. Wow can you believe it? Me either.Here is the latest picture of Baby Katherine.

Next is St. Matthews Fall Family DInner. This is such a big event that all the kids love. This year instead of a dunking booth they had a pie throwing booth. Yes Nick hiit Mr. Siebert the first try. He was so excited he came running through the hall yelling to tell me bc I didn't get to see it.
This one is Mr. Leffert our principal and the first one is Ms. Hunt the kids teacher last year. We all had a great time.

Next both kids had to do timelines of their lives. We got a lot more creative with Caroline's bc we got it 2 weeks earlier than nick's. Here are the finished product from both.

Next is the latest movei night. WE watched the new star wars clone wars movie. Nick couldn't wait to see it, but only lasted about 20 min. There were some men that scared him. DOn't you love the darth vader masks? I rock!

THen we have THanksgiving. I took Sallie to the groomers on WEd to get a haircut and she had picked up a cat with 3 kittens and a puppy on the side of the road that morning with frost on them. She asked if I knew anyone that would want them and to make a long story short I brought them home with me. NO THEY ARE NOT STAYING. WE ARE FINDING THEM GOOD HOMES. I took 2 of the kittens and the puppy and a teacher I work with took the other kitten. The dog Caroline is holding in our horrible THanksgiving pic is Grace.

and these are the cats. That is all for today. More tomorow.

1 comment:

melodie said...

I wishbo lived closer. Would love to have that puppy. Great pics!!! Kids look so big! Hope all is well.