I've been gone for awhile so I have a lot to catch you up on and I will in time.
We had a good Thanksgiving and we hope all of you had a good one too. My computer was gone for 2 weeks and didn't come home until last Wednesday. THat is why I haven't posted. It is also getting ready to leave again because 5 of the keys are falling off, which means I need another new keyboard. It is only covered under warranty until Dec. 8.
I tried to take a class last year during Christmas called Journal your Christmas and I didn't get very far, but you are included every year after you sign up the first time. So here I go again and I'm going to try very hard. I wanted to post the manifesto and will probably do some of it on the blog for all to share.
Starting today, December first, I will keep a Christmas journal. In it, I will write
something every day to reflect on the holidays of my past, enjoy the holidays of
the present and dream about the holidays of the future. To some, this would be a
stack of papers and trivial
scribbles, but not to me. I
am taking back my
Christmas, I am letting it
be something I relish and
most importantly I am
giving at least fifteen
minutes to myself, every
day, no matter how crazy
this season becomes. This
Christmas I will make
something with my own
hands, my own words and
my own memories.
After reading the manifesto if you are interested you can find it
here. I really want to take the time to reflect this year for me and the kids.
Ok I haven't loaded any pictures yet, but I have a movie night to share, thanksgiving, the kids time lines for school, new animals in the house and a few random things. So there will be more tomorrow or Wednesday.