Well my almost 2nd grader lost another tooth today. She is very excited to show off her new look and the tooth fairy coming. Isn't she gorgeous????This is Nick cleaning his bike. Please notice his seat is off bc "Mom, you can't clean your bike with your seat on." I don't know about that boy.
Please meet Bob and Spongebob. These are the kids new hamsters that attempted to replace the cat. They are brothers, but fight so they have their own cages.
This is Nick's spongebob.
This is Caroline's Bob!
This is Nick's spongebob.
This is Caroline's Bob!
We have been very busy this summer and can't believe it is almost over. Saturday we have our back to school picnic at school and go back on Aug 13. The kids are not ready and I don't blame them. It seems like our summer has been very short.
What have we been busy doing?
1. swimming and sitting by the pool.
2. Nick has been playing tennis (which is his new favorite sport)
3. Caroline has been swimming. She wants to go to stroke school in the fall.
4. I have been going to school and it has been a very busy 6 weeks.
5. Going to the drive in.
6. Going to the park and riding bikes.
Nick has been into:
taking things apart, building with legos, watching tv, NOT SWIMMING, playing tennis on the court and in the street, reading, and playing games with caroline.
Caroline has been into:
reading, swimming, riding her bike, building legos with Nick, playing games with Nick, playing with Mollie, very into clothes, eating (she has grown alot this summer), watching movies.
That is about all I have to report. I'm on my way out to school. Enjoy!