Thursday, October 26, 2006

We're back!

I'm not even going to start with an apology. I know it has been forever since I posted. Lots has been going on. The kids finished T-ball and their last soccer game is this Saturday. They are excited because they are getting trophies.

This is Sidney and Kennedy the last night of t-ball. They had a lot of fun. Here are their trophies. It was the best part of t-ball. This is a pic of the kids friends Mollie and Gabe. Mollie played t-ball with them. We could not keep the girls on the field. They were so funny. I think they will be good friends for a very long time. They get along very good.

We have been to the pumpkin patch. I threw out pumpkin away today because it was rotten. We went on a hay ride and the kids played on this huge hay pile. This is one of my favorite pictures of Nick.

We also went trick or treating at the zoo. This is our new family photo. Aren't we cute. In case you can't tell Nick is a race car driver and Caroline is Belle. It was cold, but we had fun.

Caroline was very excited about having her picture made with Snow White.

John has been out of town this week on a golf trip. The kids got to pick something special they wanted to do, so Caroline chose Build a bear and Nick chose the baseball museum. On Sunday Caroline painted a bedside table for her room, then we went to Skylar's birthday party in L'burg.

Here we are at the baseball museum. I don't think Nick enjoyed it as much as he thought he would. The factory was loud and he had to wear ear plugs. His favorite part was the real life baseball field. They had life size baseball players in their positions. It was very neat.

Monday night we went to Build a bear. They got new animals and clothes. They had a great time. Then we went to tumbleweed to eat.

Tuesday night we went to a halloween party with Mollie and Gabe. They had a craft, games, and spaghetti with eyeballs in it. Yuck!

In case you haven't seen Melanie's blog....The Uhls Family is expecting a new baby boy in March! We are very excited.

I think that about sums it up from here. I know there is a lot here, sorry. Hope everyone is doing good.